Results for 'Cassie A. Eno'

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  1.  46
    Forming Physicians: Evaluating the Opportunities and Benefits of Structured Integration of Humanities and Ethics into Medical Education.Cassie Eno, Nicole Piemonte, Barret Michalec, Charise Alexander Adams, Thomas Budesheim, Kaitlyn Felix, Jess Hack, Gail Jensen, Tracy Leavelle & James Smith - 2023 - Journal of Medical Humanities 44 (4):503-531.
    This paper offers a novel, qualitative approach to evaluating the outcomes of integrating humanities and ethics into a newly revised pre-clerkship medical education curriculum. The authors set out to evaluate medical students’ perceptions, learning outcomes, and growth in identity development. Led by a team of interdisciplinary scholars, this qualitative project examines multiple sources of student experience and perception data, including student essays, end-of-year surveys, and semi-structured interviews with students. Data were analyzed using deductive and inductive processes to identify key categories (...)
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  2.  29
    The complex interplay between semantics and grammar in impression formation.Wyley B. Shreves, William Hart, John M. Adams, Rosanna E. Guadagno & Cassie A. Eno - 2014 - Cognition 132 (3):455-460.
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    Precarious projects: the performative structure of reclamation.Cassie Herbert - 2015 - Language Sciences 52:131–138.
    Derogatory terms can be powerful mechanisms of subordination, while re-appropriating these terms can be a strategy to fight back against social injustice. I argue that projects seeking to reclaim slurs have a performative structure that raises particular hazards. Whereas more familiar forms of protest may fail to bring about their intended result, attempts to re-appropriate slurs can fail to be understood as transgressive acts at all. When attempts at reclamation fail, their force is distorted; context and convention lead the hearer (...)
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    From Virtue Argumentation to Virtue Dialogue Theory: How Aristotle Shifts the Conversation for Virtue Theory and Education.Cassie Finley - 2023 - Educational Theory 73 (2):153-173.
    Andrew Aberdein recently explored whether Aristotle held a (proto-)virtue argumentation theory, which would evaluate a good argument in terms of whether the arguers engaged virtuously. Aberdein admits, however, that connections between virtue, character, and argumentation are scarce within Aristotle's works. Accordingly, here Cassie Finley approaches this question from a different angle, comparing Aristotle's concepts of dialectic and rhetoric with virtue theories of argumentation. She argues that the essential features of dialectic and rhetoric are in tension with the defining characteristics (...)
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    The ‘Park’ as Racial Practice: Constructing Whiteness on Safari in Tanzania.Cassie M. Hays - 2019 - Environmental Values 28 (2):141-170.
    Popular imaginings of Tanzania's Serengeti National Park and Ngorongoro Conservation Area are founded on the idea of wilderness preserved, but this conception of the ‘park’ is based in colonial-era race-thinking. Rather than simply a colonial-era manifestation of an apparently universal conservationist ideal, Serengeti and Ngorongoro are instead racial projects that embody the historical and ongoing processes of racial formation. The creation of Serengeti and Ngorongoro enabled a racialisation of nature, a process begun by the British and reinscribed via safari ever (...)
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  6. Sobre" El vuelo mágico" y la hierofanización de la materia.Neus Solà Cassi - 2008 - A Parte Rei 58:13.
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    Danièle ALEXANDRE-BIDON, Didier LETT, Les Enfants au Moyen Age, Ve-XVe siècles, col. « La Vie quotidienne », Hachette, 275 pages.Mireille Vincent-Cassy - 1997 - Clio 6.
    L'entrée des enfants médiévaux dans la collection de « La Vie Quotidienne » vaut reconnaissance. Ce petit ouvrage clot la polémique née il y a trente ans, quand Philippe Ariès avait avançé l'idée que la rareté des sources concernant l'enfance médiévale révélait un désintérêt des gens de cette époque pour leurs enfants. L'ouvrage que nous proposent ces deux spécialistes de l'enfance médiévale, Danièle Alexandre-Bidon et Didier Lett, offre une synthèse des connaissance acquises sur les...
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    Collective Responsibility and the Narrative Self.Cassie Striblen - 2013 - Social Theory and Practice 39 (1):147-165.
    This essay advocates applying a “narrative” conception of the individual self to the problem of “collective responsibility.” Participants in the debate agree that groups are composed of individuals and that group responsibility must somehow mimic individual responsibility. However, participants do not begin from a neutral and unproblematic conception of the individual. So far, most participants have assumed standard models of the individual that may unduly bias their conclusions about different forms of group responsibility. I argue that switching to a “narrative” (...)
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  9.  80
    Moral Ecologies and the Harms of Sexual Violation.Quill R. Kukla & Cassie Herbert - 2018 - Philosophical Topics 46 (2):247-268.
    Traditional moral explorations of sexual violation are dyadic: they focus on the relationship between the perpetrator and the victim, considered in relative isolation. We argue that the moral texture of sexual violation and its fallout only shows up once we see acts of sexual violation as acts that occur within an ecosystem. An ecosystem is made up of dwellers and an environment embedded in a broad, thick, interdependent, and relatively stable web of norms, practices, environments, material and institutional structures. We (...)
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  10.  26
    Il “procedimento analogico” nei giuristi medievali e il “paradigma filosofico agostiniano”.Aldo Andrea Cassi - 2023 - Doctor Virtualis 18:203-210.
    Il contributo intende mettere in primo piano il ruolo svolto dall'analogia nel _modus operandi_, oltre che nel_ modus arguendi_, dei giuristi medievali. Se ne propone inoltre una lettura "a più livelli" nell'ottica de _Il paradigma filosofico agostiniano_ (Parodi 2006). _This essay means to put the spotlight on the role that analogy played in medieval jurists' _modus operandi _and _modus arguendi_, suggesting a multi-level reading of it as well, from the point of view of _Il paradigma filosofico agostiniano_ (Parodi 2006)._.
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  11.  52
    Using team science in vascularized composite allotransplantation to improve team and patient outcomes.Joan M. Griffin, Cassie C. Kennedy, Kasey R. Boehmer, Ian G. Hargraves, Hatem Amer & Sheila G. Jowsey-Gregoire - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Reconstructive allografts using Vascularized Composite Allotransplantation are providing individuals living with upper limb loss and facial disfigurement with new opportunities for a sensate, esthetically acceptable, and functional alternative to current treatment strategies. Important research attention is being paid to how best to assess and screen candidates for VCA, measure optimal patient outcomes, and support patient adherence to lifelong behaviors and medical regimens. Far less attention, however, has been dedicated to the team science required for these complex VCA teams to form, (...)
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  12.  28
    Troubling state (of) affairs: A critical analysis of a state-approved, elementary field trip.Cassie J. Brownell & Desmond Wong - 2022 - Journal of Social Studies Research 46 (4):333-344.
    This article presents an analysis of one docent's discussion of Michigan history to a group of third-grade children as part of a week-long state-sponsored history program. By analyzing the docent's...
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  13.  35
    Introduzione, per i vent'anni di "Doctor Virtualis" (2002-2022).Maria Cristina Bartolomei, Alessandra Capacchione, Aldo Andrea Cassi, Alfio Ferrara, Francesca Forte, Massimo Parodi, Marco Rossini & Amalia Salvestrini - 2023 - Doctor Virtualis 18:5-15.
    L’introduzione al fascicolo Analogia e medioevo sive vent’anni di analogie presenta il numero 18 di "Doctor Virtualis" e traccia le tappe fondamentali della rivista. Si delineano dapprima alcune linee della storia della rivista e le sue ispirazioni teoriche e storiografiche principali, per poi mettere in luce le ragioni della rilevanza del tema dell’analogia, come oggetto utilizzato e pensato nei secoli medievali e come strumento di ricerca storiografica, e infine si conclude con l’articolazione del fascicolo. The introduction to the issue Analogy (...)
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  14.  9
    Institutional requirement and central tracking of RCR training of all researchers and research eligible individuals.Helene Lake-Bullock, Jenny Smith, Emily Matuszak, Jeeyoung Chun, Jennifer Hill, Billy Clark, Laura Lodder, Baron Wolf & Lisa Cassis - forthcoming - Research Ethics.
    The University of Kentucky has required that all researchers and research-eligible individuals complete RCR training every 2 years to ensure there is at least a baseline of RCR training throughout the wider research community. The overall goal is to create a research climate that fosters RCR across the institution for approximately 14,400 researchers and research eligible faculty, staff, and trainees engaged in research or creative work. A systematic data strategy was developed and implemented to identify individuals required to complete the (...)
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    The complex lives of proper names.Eno Agolli - 2023 - Linguistics and Philosophy 46 (6):1393-1439.
    I argue that predicativism, the view that proper names are predicates, is a viable theory of the semantics of proper names given a certain hypothesis about the grammar of definiteness. Extant versions of predicativism hold that a singular name in argument position constitutes the predicative component of a covert definite description. I show that these versions cannot accommodate semantic and typological data, specifically: syntactic and semantic disparities between bare and non-bare occurrences of such names in English, the distinctive modal rigidity (...)
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  16.  17
    Education for patients with limb loss or absence: Aging, overuse concerns, and patient treatment knowledge gaps.Dawn Finnie, Joan M. Griffin, Cassie C. Kennedy, Karen Schaepe, Kasey Boehmer, Ian Hargraves, Hatem Amer & Sheila Jowsey-Gregoire - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The goals of vascular composite allotransplantation for hand are to maximize functional status and psychosocial wellbeing and to improve quality of life. Candidates are carefully vetted by transplant programs through an extensive evaluation process to exclude those patients with contraindications and to select those that are most likely to attain functional or quality of life benefit from transplant. Patient choice for any treatment, however, requires that candidates be able to understand the risks, benefits, and alternatives before choosing to proceed. This (...)
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  17.  33
    Sovereignty renounced.M. Ye eno lu - 2014 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 40 (4-5):459-468.
    This article suggests that the historical figuration of Islam as well as the discourse of secularization has played a fundamental role in the constitution of Islam’s externality to Europe. The historical figuration of Islam as Europe’s enemy is haunting Europe. The European secularist anxiety today, which insists on the separation between the domains of the private and the public needs to be understood against the backdrop of this history. If Islam’s inability to separate the religious and the political was historically (...)
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  18.  10
    Activism.Henry Lane Eno - 1920 - London,: Oxford University PRess.
    Excerpt from Activism It is not without hesitation that the present essay is submitted to the public. It would seem, however, at this time especially, when all of us are groping for whatever stray gleams of light may come our way, that a possibly fresh point of view may not be entirely supererogatory. For in the midst of the cataclysmic changes taking place on every side many of us find ourselves forced to a new searching of the spirit. The older (...)
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  19. Masters of the Dance: The Role of T'ien in the Teachings of the Early Juist Community.Robert Eno - 1984 - Dissertation, University of Michigan
    Originally a religious term, from the sixth century B.C. on, the word "t'ien," or "heaven," played a significant role in discourse among philosophical schools. The earliest of these was Juism . This study analyzes statements concerning T'ien in three early Juist texts: the Analects, Mencius, and Hsun Tzu. ;Previous analyses of the role of T'ien in Juism have viewed that role in terms of a model of evolving meanings of "t'ien" during the late Chou period, which claims that the term (...)
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  20.  14
    Holistic Learning: A Teacher's Guide to Integrated Studies.John P. Miller, J. R. Bruce Cassie & Susan M. Drake - 1990 - University of Toronto Press.
    Holistic Learning is designed as a practical guide for teachers on how to integrate curriculum around human processes and human themes. Specifically, problem solving (human process) and mythology (human theme) have been selected as vehicles for curriculum integration. Along with a number of specific strategies for classroom use, the book includes a rationale and framework for integrated studies, teaching approaches in problem solving and mythology, guidelines for writing units in integrated studies, and implementation strategies for integrated studies. The primary audience (...)
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  21.  79
    Socrates questions Gorgias: The rhetorical vector of Plato's ?Gorgias? [REVIEW]Richard Leo Enos - 1991 - Argumentation 5 (1):5-15.
    This essay argues that Plato's “Gorgias,” a dialogue lauding dialectic over rhetoric, uses a question-and-answer format as a heuristic of argument. Specific observations are advanced to explain the implications of Plato's techniques and to provide a more sensitive understanding of the process by which sought to gain the adherence of his readers.
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    Methodology of research and progress in science.Erwin Biser & Enos E. Witmer - 1947 - Philosophy of Science 14 (4):275-288.
    With the advent of the relativity theory science has entered a transformative period in which previous certainties are undergoing critical scrutiny and renovation. Critical movements in science arise at periods of its history when its foundations are brought into question. True it is that natural philosophers still regard science as a growing body of propositions dealing with natural events enabling them to find the structural laws of the external world. But this “external world” about them changes in significance, interpretation, and (...)
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  23. Sex Hormones and Processing of Facial Expressions of Emotion: A Systematic Literature Review.Flávia L. Osório, Juliana M. de Paula Cassis, João P. Machado de Sousa, Omero Poli-Neto & Rocio Martín-Santos - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  24. Questioning Hegemony Within White Academia.Asma Mehan, Carolina Lima, Faith Ng’eno & Krzysztof Nawratek - 2022 - Field 8 (1):47-61.
    field: Issue 8 Embodying an Anti-Racist Architecture comprises essays, articles, podcasts, drawings, designs, the cover image, and a film. ‘This Call to Action' is a document borne from dialogue, and as such derives its power from the activism that collaboration and cooperation engender. -/- Asma Mehan, Carolina Lima, Faith Ng’eno, and Krzysztof Nawratek discuss white hegemony across different geopolitical and academic spaces, mindful of the nuances of using English as their shared yet borrowed language. -/- .
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  25.  43
    From Policies to Principles: The Effects of Campus Climate on Academic Integrity, a Mixed Methods Study.Ryan L. Young, Graham N. S. Miller & Cassie L. Barnhardt - 2018 - Journal of Academic Ethics 16 (1):1-17.
    This mixed methods study examines how college students’ perceptions and experiences affect their understanding of academic integrity. Using qualitative and quantitative responses from the Personal and Social Responsibility Institutional Inventory, both quantitative and qualitative results demonstrate that while campuses may see a reduction in overall levels of cheating when punitive academic integrity policies are present, students may develop higher levels of personal and academic integrity through the use of more holistic and community-focused practices.
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    The generalized Peierls–Landau instability: a novel perspective on the nature of glasses?M. P. Fontana, R. Burioni & D. Cassi - 2004 - Philosophical Magazine 84 (13-16):1307-1311.
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  27. The Work of Optatus as a Turning Point in the African Ecclesiology.Robert B. Eno - 1973 - The Thomist 37 (4):668.
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    African languages in time and space: a festchrift in honour of Professor Akinbiyi Akinlabi.Eno-Abasi Urua, Francis O. Egbokhare & Oluseye Adesola (eds.) - 2020 - Ibadan, Nigeria: Zenith BookHouse.
  29.  19
    Review of From Chronicle to Canon: The Hermeneutics of the Spring and Autumn, According to Tung Chung-shu by Sarah A. Queen. [REVIEW]Robert Eno - 1999 - Philosophy East and West 49 (2):212-214.
  30.  27
    A case in studying chat rooms: Ethical and methodological concerns and approaches for enhancing positive research outcomes.Marnie Enos Carroll - 2005 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 3 (1):35-50.
    Increasing the ethicality of a project and the usefulness of the data enhances the probability that social good will result from the research; a combination of ethical and methodological soundness is therefore crucial. From 1999‐2002 I conducted a qualitative study of women’s, men’s, and mixed Internet chat room conversations. In this article, I discuss the particular ethical issues that arose, outlining my ethical decision‐making process within the context of current debates. I also describe the methodological concerns, demonstrating why a synthesized (...)
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  31. Brian Eno : la metáfora fractal de la música.Gonzalo Lizardo - 2001 - In Sergio Espinosa Proa, Consonancias y disonancias: filosofía y música en el fin de milenio. México: Unidad Academica de Docencia Superior, Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas.
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    A time experiment in psychophysics.Darwin Oliver Lyon & Henry Lane Eno - 1912 - Psychological Review 19 (4):312-336.
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    A time experiment in psychophysics. Part II.Darwin Oliver Lyon & Henry Lane Eno - 1914 - Psychological Review 21 (1):9-22.
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  34.  61
    Turning Listening Inside Out: Brian Eno's Ambient 1: Music for Airports.John Lysaker - 2017 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 31 (1):155-176.
    Brian Eno's Ambient 1: Music for Airports is a seminal album in the history of electronic music. Using Deleuze and Guattari's notion of the assemblage, I explore the album's compositional structure as well as its ambient function, by attending to specific tracks and locating the album in musical history, particularly relative to the work of John Cage, La Monte Young, and Steve Reich. In an extended discussion of its ambient function, I argue that the LP offers music for reverie that (...)
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    Priorité de l'eiδoσ ou du [ghe, cyrillic]enoσ entre andronicos et Alexandre: Vestiges arabes et grecs inédits.Marwan Rashed - 2004 - Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 14 (1):9-63.
    La diffusion d'Alexandre d'Aphrodise, en raison de la qualité inégalée de son exégèse d'Aristote, est celle des textes vivants. Simplicius est plus érudit, Philopon plus critique, Averroès plus savant. Mais Alexandre possédait un art de la synthèse entre l'analyse philologique de la lettre et la saisie de l'orientation générale d'un texte, qui fait de lui l'Exégète par excellence. On comprend, dans ces conditions, que sa transmission ne soit pas le relais linéaire d'un ‘‘témoin” figé. Citons aussi bien le recours extensif (...)
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  36.  31
    Metanormativna načela i normama vođeno društveno međudjelovanje.Berislav Žarnić & Bašić - 2014 - Revus 22:89-104.
    Kritičko čitanje Alchourrónove i Bulyginove skupovnoteorijske defnicije normativnoga sustava pokazuje da njegova deduktivna zatvorenost nije neizbježno svojstvo. Slijedeći von Wrightovu pretpostavku da aksiomi standardne deontične logike opisuju svojstva savršenoga normativnog sustava, uvodi se algoritam za prevođenje iz modalnoga u skupovnoteorijski jezik. Prijevod nam otkriva da plauzibilnost pojedinih metanormativnih načela leži na različitim osnovama. Koristeći se metodološkim pristupom koji prepoznaje različite aktere u normama upravljanome međudjelovanju, pokazuje se da su metanormativna načela obveze drugoga reda upućene različitim ulogama. Poseban slučaj jest zahtjev (...)
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  37. Ingrouping, Outgrouping, and the Pragmatics of Peripheral Speech.Cassie Herbert & Rebecca Kukla - 2016 - Journal of the American Philosophical Association 2 (4):576-596.
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    The art of parasitical resistance.Cassie Thornton - 2022 - Contemporary Political Theory 21 (S3):102-105.
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    Guilt, shame, and shared responsibility.Cassie Striblen - 2007 - Journal of Social Philosophy 38 (3):469–485.
  40.  24
    Aramaic in Postbiblical Judaism and Early Christianity. Edited by Eric M. Meyers and PauL V. M. Flesher.Marcia Cassis - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 136 (4).
    Aramaic in Postbiblical Judaism and Early Christianity. Edited by Eric M. Meyers and Paul V. Flesher. Duke Judaic Studies Series, vol. 3. Winona Lake, Ind.: Eisenbrauns, 2010. Pp. xx + 300. $49.50.
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    Older Women’s Expectations of Care, Reciprocity, and Government Support in Australia. ‘Am I Not Worthy?’.Cassie Curryer, Mel Gray & Julie E. Byles - 2018 - Ethics and Social Welfare 12 (3):259-271.
  42.  34
    Potentially Traumatic Events, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, and Depression among Adults in Puerto Rico.Cassie Overstreet, Erin C. Berenz, Christina Sheerin, Ananda B. Amstadter, Glorisa Canino & Judy Silberg - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    American Cultural Memory, Mourning, and the Possibility of Peace.Cassie Premo Steele - 2004 - Intertexts 8 (1):1-13.
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    Trapping and reaction on inhomogeneous structures.Davide Cassi - 2011 - Philosophical Magazine 91 (13-15):1949-1955.
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    Understanding the Barriers to Accessing Symptom-Specific Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Distressing Voices: Reflecting on and Extending the Lessons Learnt From the CBT for Psychosis Literature.Cassie M. Hazell, Kathryn Greenwood, Sarah Fielding-Smith, Aikaterini Rammou, Leanne Bogen-Johnston, Clio Berry, Anna-Marie Jones & Mark Hayward - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    The Abject in Education.Cassie Lowe - 2020 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 54 (3):17-30.
    Sue felt welling disgust as the first dark drops of menstrual blood struck the tile in dime-sized drops. “For God’s sake Carrie, you got your period!’ Sue cried. ‘Clean yourself up!”Within the walls of her educational institution, classmates bombard Carrie with feminine hygiene products, chanting “plug it up!” as their disgust for her rises.1 This fictional scene in Stephen King’s Carrie is cruel but is perhaps not inconceivable as something that might occur in reality. In this scene, Carrie is dehumanized, (...)
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  47. on Michael Goulding, Nigel JH Smith and Dennis J. Mahar Floods of Fortune: Ecology and Economy along the Amazon.G. Cassie - 2000 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 3:236-237.
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    Book Review: Privilege at Play: Class, Race, Gender, and Golf in Mexico by Hugo Ceron-Anaya. [REVIEW]Cassie Ann Comley - 2020 - Gender and Society 34 (4):681-683.
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    Parent Involvement in the Getting Ready for School Intervention Is Associated With Changes in School Readiness Skills.Maria Marti, Emily C. Merz, Kelsey R. Repka, Cassie Landers, Kimberly G. Noble & Helena Duch - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    The origins of higher-order thinking lie in children's spontaneous talk across the pre-school years.Rebecca R. Frausel, Catriona Silvey, Cassie Freeman, Natalie Dowling, Lindsey E. Richland, Susan C. Levine, Steve Raudenbush & Susan Goldin-Meadow - 2020 - Cognition 200 (C):104274.
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